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- Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 16:30:22 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu
- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1407
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Tue, 30 Nov 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1407
- Today's Topics:
- Aluminum towers
- Cross-band 2m/220mhz repeaters?
- Dial/meter marking program
- Ed Hare has no tie!
- Info-Hams Digest V93 #139
- License Datapoints...got it : )
- Mailer test...ignore, please.
- Microwave Power Amps
- Poor Man's Spectrum Analyzer --- comments?
- Repeater calling procedure (Was: Elmers are dead, god help us hams!)
- Space Shuttle coverage?
- using a radio off frequency in emergencies
- W5YI's coverage of "temporary callsigns" (2 msgs)
- WANTED: Inet <-> Packet gateways
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 30 Nov 93 17:49:23 GMT
- From: ogicse!emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Aluminum towers
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <9311291443.AA10891@wa2cjt.wellfleet> ginsburg@wellfleet.COM (Scott Ginsburg) writes:
- >
- >I'm interested in hearing about any good/bad experiences people have had with
- >freestanding aluminum towers. I'm considering something like a Universal Mfg.
- >50' tower. I'd probably mount a small tri-bander on it (14 to 18' boom).
- Aluminum has a much lower fatigue strength than steel. Towers develop
- fairly unique vibrational modes depending on particular location and
- loading. So it's difficult to engineer them to fit any particular fatigue
- pattern. That means for aluminum that the tower must be heavily over
- engineered in order to withstand unpredictable fatigue stresses. Most
- aluminum towers are *not* so over engineered, and those that are are
- more expensive and larger than a similar steel tower. Aluminum also
- loses strength as it ages. So aluminum towers generally don't last
- as long as steel towers. Therefore, I don't recomend aluminum towers.
- Ordinary galvanized steel towers are usually the first choice, but in
- highly corrosive environments stainless steel towers are the best
- choice. Aluminum should only be considered if weight is the only
- criteria, and that's almost never the case, even for roof mounting.
- Gary
- --
- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | Where my job's going, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary
- Destructive Testing Systems | I don't know. It might | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary
- 534 Shannon Way | wind up in Mexico. | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary
- Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | -NAFTA Blues |
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 22:57:58 GMT
- From: qualcomm.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!hamblin.math.byu.edu!wicat!keithm@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Cross-band 2m/220mhz repeaters?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- > How many cities and where? I'm curious.....
- Utah County ARES in the Orem/Provo Utah area runs one.
- --
- Keith McQueen, Wicat Systems Inc. , (801)223-3284 | My opinions are |
- Packet: n7hmf @ nv7v.UT.USA.NA | all mine... |
- Internet: keithm@wicat.com | ...so there! |
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 21:41:55 GMT
- From: netcomsv!netcom.com!wd6cmu@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: Dial/meter marking program
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Does anybody know of a program that will generate Postscript files for
- printing labels for dials, rotary switches, meters, etc.? I thought I
- remembered seeing such a thing and I thought I'd check before trying to
- write one myself. Thanks.
- --
- Eric Williams | DGC Vincent: MC (B+S)t G+Y 1.2 Y L++ C+ T+ I+++ H+ S++ V+ F++
- wd6cmu@netcom.com | Murphy: DS W+(B+R)t+R Y 1.3 Y L C+ T- I+++ H+ A+ F+ B--
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 01:07:40 GMT
- From: world!dts@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Ed Hare has no tie!
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <2650@arrl.org> ehare@arrl.org (Ed Hare - KA1CV) writes:
- >In rec.radio.amateur.misc, hellman@cbnewsm.cb.att.com (eric.s.hellman) writes:
- >
- >>Yesterday I visited the ARRL in Newington and met Ed Hare in his
- >>office. He could not produce even one tie! (There was a rumpled
- >>sport jacket hanging behind the door).
- >
- >>Thanks, Ed, for the nice visit.
- >
- >>Shel WA2UBK dara@physics.att.com
- >
- >My pleasure, Shel. I am always pleased when one of my friends on
- >r.r.a. stops by to say "hello" when they are here in CT.
- >
- >Now, about the tie --- I can explain. You see, the legend of my tie
- >is greatly exaggerated! I ONLY wear a tie when I go to do a club talk,
- >or when we are having important visitors. That is why it was so
- Oh, NOW I'm insulted :-). We (KC1SP, N1JIT, WA1RHP and I) were not IMPORTANT
- visitors??? :-) We'll just have to see what happens on our next trip to
- Newington!
- >horrifying when my tie was ripped from my neck when I did my
- >talk in western Massachusetts (by WA1RHP -- a longtime usenet denizen)!
- >Of course, it was okay, because this evil deed was perpetrated by
- >a friend, but ... if this is how I am treated by my friends, how horrible
- >it will be if I am ever mistreated by an enemy! :-)
- >
- >However, there is a bit more to the story! About a year ago or so I
- >was suddenly siezed by a tie madness. I went out and purchased about
- >two or three hundred ties, mostly at vintage clothing stores. They
- >represent the best of several decades of tie wearing! I will select one
- >for you and send it as a souvenir of your visit to HQ. You might even
- >dare to wear it in front of your boss!
- >
- >Glad you stopped by! It was nice to meet you.
- >
- >73 and Happy Holidays from ARRL HQ, Ed -- KA1CV
- >
- >-----
- >Ed Hare, KA1CV ehare@arrl.org
- >American Radio Relay League
- >225 Main St.
- >Newington, CT 06111 If you tie a strip of colored cloth to
- >(203) 666-1541 - voice part of your body, the tribe acts
- >ARRL Laboratory Supervisor differently!
- >RFI, xmtr and rcvr testing
- >-----
- --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Daniel Senie Internet: dts@world.std.com
- Daniel Senie Consulting n1jeb@world.std.com
- 508-365-5352 Compuserve: 74176,1347
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Nov 93 13:01:00 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #139
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- -> Speaking of WSSH, has anyone in the Boston area had any intermittent
- -> reception problems during any of the above mentioned shows (like
- -> their transmitter loses power for a period of time), or is it just
- -> me?
- Yes, it has been happening alot.
- Most noticeably on the 28th -- when the loss lasted
- about 20 minutes! Sigh!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 20:00:54 GMT
- From: munnari.oz.au!uniwa!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!msuinfo!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!newsserver.jvnc.net!yale.edu!cs.yale.edu!csusys.ctstateu.edu!white@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: License Datapoints...got it : )
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- The long-awaited envelope arrived today....7 weeks and 1 day
- after the test (Oct 10).... It's an honor to join the ranks
- of amateur radio operators.
- 73s
- +---- --- -- - - -- --- ----+
- Harry White white@sleepy.ctstateu.edu white@csusys.ctstateu.edu
- N1QVE Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT 06050
- - -- -+- -- -
- "The real meaning of the word _educate_ is _to lead the way out_." -Anais Nin
- +---- --- -- - - -- --- ----+
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 20:35:39 GMT
- From: munnari.oz.au!uniwa!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!msuinfo!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!newsserver.jvnc.net!yale.edu!cs.yale.edu!csusys.ctstateu.edu!white@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Mailer test...ignore, please.
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- mailer test
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 00:08:34 GMT
- From: munnari.oz.au!uniwa!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!msuinfo!uwm.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!fconvx.ncifcrf.gov!fcs260c!mack@network.ucsd.
- Subject: Microwave Power Amps
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <CH9ItM.539@ncifcrf.gov> mack@fcs260c.ncifcrf.gov (Joe Mack) writes:
- Sorry about the first posting which was missing some things...
- Jeff Kruth has TWTs and solid state amps from 3-10GHz. They are used
- and he tests them to see which are OK. His guarantee is that they will
- work on arrival. He trades and sells surplus stuff in this area. I don't know
- much about hi except that no-one has complained about stuff they get
- from him.
- > Jeff Kruth
- > K-MEC
- > 2600 Cabover Dr, Suite H
- > Hanover MD, 21076
- > (410)-768-6666
- >
- > Joe NA3T
- > mack@ncifcrf.gov
- >
- >
- >
- Joe NA3T
- mack@ncifcrf.gov
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Nov 93 14:20:36 GMT
- From: ogicse!uwm.edu!caen!saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!mimbres.cs.unm.edu!nmt.edu!bateman@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Poor Man's Spectrum Analyzer --- comments?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I am considering buying the kit(s) for the Poor Man's Spectrum Analyzer
- from Science Workshop.
- Has anybody had any experiences with this unit (in either building or
- operating)?
- Any comments appreciated!
- Please e-mail: bateman @ nmt.edu
- Thanks,
- Monte
- --
- ===============================================================================
- Dr. Monte Bateman -- Physics PostDoc | InterNet: bateman @ nmt.edu
- Langmuir Laboratory for | Amateur Radio: WB5RZX
- Atmospheric Research, |
- New Mexico Institute of Mining |
- and Technology, Socorro, NM |
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Nov 1993 00:11:55 GMT
- From: qualcomm.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!csn!col.hp.com!bobw@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Repeater calling procedure (Was: Elmers are dead, god help us hams!)
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Brian Battles WS1O (bbattles@arrl.org) wrote:
- : I believe the pamphlet you're referring to is Welcome to Amateur Radio,
- : which I wrote (sent by the ARRL free to all new Amateur Radio licensees).
- : Here's the lowdown:
- : The information was taken from personal experience and extensive
- : contact with friends, ARRL officials and many various "random"
- : repeater owners and users around the US over a few years. The use of
- : "WS1O monitoring" or "WS1O listening" is essentially the de facto
- : standard way of announcing that you're on the machine and would enjoy
- : a QSO. Calling CQ is in no way "expressly verboten," it's just generally
- : considered substandard operating procedure on VHF repeaters (as is the
- : use of Q signals and CW abbreviations, eg, XYL, HI, etc).
- : You can call CQ, but I'd bet that most hams--especially those with
- : some experience--would take you for, at best, an uninformed newcomer
- : or, at worst, a lid. Then, depending on the other hams' attitudes,
- : they'd either politely instruct you or rudely rag you out. 8-)
- Negativo, Senor.
- Clearly, the use of a LLLLOOOONNNNGGGGG CQ is inappropriate on
- VHF repeaters but in some parts of the woods a single "CQ" is
- accepted as just fine. Often "monitoring" gets interpreted as
- "I am here if you really wanted to call me but I'm not actively
- looking for a contact."
- Different strokes...
- Bob Witte / HP PMO (Colo Springs) / bobw@col.hp.com / KB0CY / (719) 590-3230
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Nov 93 21:00:41 GMT
- From: ogicse!emory!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!paperboy.amoco.com!apctrc!zrmo05@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Space Shuttle coverage?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Does anyone know the frequencies which carry the Space Shuttle
- launch? I seem to recall that an amateur radio group at JSC
- broadcast the missions but don't remember more than that.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 00:22:45 GMT
- From: qualcomm.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!news.ecn.bgu.edu!willis1.cis.uab.edu!right.dom.uab.edu!user@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: using a radio off frequency in emergencies
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I was looking at the Amateur radio news postings and came across an
- article about an amateur that was in a remote area who had an injured
- friend. The story went that after trying several repeaters without
- success and trying to use a cellular phone without success, he called
- for help on a police frequency. He was forced to forfeit his radio
- when the sherriffs department complained. The story goes on from there,
- and the FCC, the ham, and the Sherriffs office will be meeting in court.
- I was wondering what is the correct thing to do if one has a radio that
- can transmit outside of amateur bands and a real, life threatening
- emergency arises. I thought there was a rule about amateurs being
- authorized to use any radio at their disposal if normal communications
- were not available when there was a life threatening emergency. Has
- anyone any advice on what one should do if a similar event happened to
- me? No legal advice expected, just interested on what the folks on
- the net may have to say.
- Reply to rec.radio.radio.amateur
- Steve Holland
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Nov 93 17:05:35 GMT
- From: mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10!jmaynard@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: W5YI's coverage of "temporary callsigns"
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- [This belongs in .policy; crossposted, and followups redirected.]
- In article <CHBBzq.9HJ@cup.hp.com>, Jim Hollenback <jholly@cup.hp.com> wrote:
- >I personally can not see one reason for not adopting the proposal. Currently
- >we allow instant access to new privileges on upgrading, why not access to
- >the privileges when first obtaining a license?
- Verification. How do I know that WZ5RFK is legit? I can find out, at least,
- who belongs to KC5CZR; that's not the case with the temporary calls.
- I understand the problem the FCC, and new hams, face...but, like every knotty
- problem, it has a simple and easy-to-understand wrong answer. The FCC has come
- up with exactly that.
- They're already going to upgrade their systems; let's get that in place, as
- well as improving their work flow, and perhaps even let the VECs do more of
- the work. If we can't get the turnaround time under two weeks, something's
- horribly wrong. _That_ is the right answer.
- --
- Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
- jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu | adequately be explained by stupidity.
- "The road to Usenet is littered with dead horses." -- Jack Hamilton
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Nov 1993 07:41:20 -0500
- From: noc.near.net!genrad.com!genrad.com!not-for-mail@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: W5YI's coverage of "temporary callsigns"
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I just got my most recent W5YI Report, and of course I had to read
- it before anything else. One of the articles disturbed me and I
- was curious what others think.
- He (Fred Maia, W5YI, for those of you who don't know) described a
- new petition that has been before the FCC for awhile (after a new
- ham passes his tests, he can immediately start talking on the radio
- by using the callsign "WZ" plus call area number plus his initials.
- This would be good for 12 weeks or until he gets his real callsign).
- He said that he looked at some of the letters that had been coming
- in to the FCC on this subject, and then he printed portions of
- some of these letters.
- The thing that bothered me was that EVERY ONE OF THE LETTERS
- described why this proposal would NOT be good for ham radio. Not
- a single one described any reason why this proposal would be good
- for ham radio. Now, it may be true that this proposal IS NOT GOOD
- for ham radio (I do not offer an opinion). But, the fact that the
- proposal is before the FCC must indicate that at least ONE PERSON
- saw it as beneficial, and possibly more than one. Do the people
- who support this proposal NOT send letters to the FCC? Or is
- Fred's article simply biased because he does not like the proposal,
- so he's only reporting a one-sided argument?
- I'm curious as to what others think of this article. Am I being
- too sensitive?
- Diana
- --
- ->Diana L. Carlson dls@genrad.com Ham: KC1SP (Sweet Pea) <-
- ->GenRad, 300 Baker Ave MS/1, Concord, MA 01742 (508)369-4400 x2459 <-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 23:01:59 GMT
- From: pacbell.com!sgiblab!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!noc.near.net!lynx!chaos.dac!wy1z@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: WANTED: Inet <-> Packet gateways
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I want to compile as complete a listing/library as possible of all the
- different Internet <-> packet gateways and instruction on how to use
- them.
- When I have received the information, I will place all the messages
- into the Boston Amateur Radio Club's FTP area on the World Public
- Access Internet system (see my .sig below).
- Thanks much in advance!
- 73,
- Scott
- --
- ===============================================================================
- | Scott Ehrlich Internet: wy1z@neu.edu |
- | Amateur Radio: wy1z AX.25: wy1z@n0ary.#nocal.ca.usa.na |
- |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | Maintainer of the Boston Amateur Radio Club hamradio FTP area on |
- | the World - world.std.com /pub/hamradio |
- ===============================================================================
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 1993 16:22:33 -0800
- From: qualcomm.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!news.cyberstore.ca!vanbc.wimsey.com!vanbc.wimsey.com!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <931128034939811@pubcon.fort-worth.tx.us>, <D>, <1993Nov29.210113.8647@merlin.dev.cdx.mot.com>ne
- Subject : Re: DSP units
- With spelling like that, you get lousy sentence structure.
- ("That" is ".... like this your asking ...) [We all assume you mean
- "You're" or "You are"
- /Mark
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Nov 93 17:14:55 GMT
- From: ogicse!emory!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!news.nd.edu!mac13@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <754583670.19snx@mu.apana.org.au>, <Nov29.194927.39093@yuma.acns.colostate.edu>, <4926@eram.esi.com.au>
- Subject : Re: Calculating SWR
- In article <4926@eram.esi.com.au>, dave@eram.esi.com.au (Dave Horsfall)
- wrote:
- >
- > In article <Nov29.194927.39093@yuma.acns.colostate.edu>,
- > galen@picea.CFNR.ColoState.EDU (Galen Watts) writes:
- >
- > | >I am not trying to be mean, but did you sit a radio theory test for your
- > | >amateur license ?
- > |
- > | Yes, he did. SWR formulae are not on amateur tests in America.
- >
- > Notwithstanding the fact that I distinctly remember seeing that formula
- > on my own exam (in Australia) and no doubt getting it wrong, don't they
- > teach you to look up a reference book over there?
- >
- > This is getting to be like sci.electronics; can anyone tell me what
- > the pinout of a 555 is?
- >
- The whole point is that this is NOT an electronics newsgroup, but rather a
- newsgroup for amateur radio operators, not all of whom have--or even need
- to have--a detailed understanding of how the equipment they operate
- actually works. When such a person does express an interest in a technical
- matter, one might hope that those whose specialities center around
- technical aspects of the hobby would respond with encouragement, or if that
- is impossible, politeness. Fortunately, I can state that my own questions
- in this newsgroup have been answered with unfailing courtesy.
- In this same vein, I will admit my surprise, after sitting for all the U.S.
- amateur radio examination elements, that there was such an emphasis on
- electronics, and so very little concerning public service, disaster
- readiness, first aid procedures, emergeny traffic handling, and so on. If
- we are really intended to be a provider of alternative communications
- services in times of national emergencies or local disasters, surely such
- knowledge is at least as important as the ability to homebrew a radio. But
- for some odd reason these topics are left almost entirely to specific
- organizations, while EVERYONE is required to have a general knowledge of
- electronics. Surely both are important. And maybe we could do more to test
- normal operating procedures as well.
- Charles R. Hohenstein
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 12:07:31 GMT
- From: swrinde!menudo.uh.edu!uuneo!sugar!jreese@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <2651@arrl.org>, <9311292209592.gilbaronw0mn.DLITE@delphi.com>, <williams.754643364@maui>
- Subject : Re: Repeater calling procedure (Was: Elm
- In article <williams.754643364@maui> williams@maui.qualcomm.com (Paul Williamson) writes:
- >
- >Interesting you should say that. I had to read the rest of the paragraph
- >to figure out what *you* think it means.
- >
- >I was once active on a repeater in southeast Texas where "monitoring"
- >meant "I'm a control operator and I'm in charge here", and ordinary
- >users were strongly discouraged from saying it. We were supposed to say
- >"listening" instead.
- ...Sounds like ECHO .09 :)
- What I've always told people is that they should use a radio just like they
- would a telephone. You wouldn't say "The Personal is Jim" on the phone,
- don't do it on the radio...it just sounds silly there.
- --
- Jim Reese, WD5IYT | "I can do more in two minutes than Rush can in
- jreese@sugar.neosoft.com | three hours" --Jim Hightower
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1407
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- ******************************